4279174 -
juliaangela -
years old - Single I am from Nampula/Nampula, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
Tudo posso Naquele que me confortalece.
376826 -
Telmalurdescarlo -
years old - Single I am from Maputo/Maputo, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3474489 -
Anyca -
years old - Single I am from Maputo/Maputo, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3401338 -
Zissex -
years old - Single I am from Ulongue/Tete, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3823684 -
Mcjesus -
years old - Single I am from Tete/Tete, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
561581 -
Zumbimulher -
years old - Separated I am from Maputo/Maputo, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3303559 -
Mozagirl -
years old - Single I am from Maputo/Maputo, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
2577250 -
Preta_doce -
years old - Single I am from Matola/Maputo, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
Eu gostaria de me relacionar com tipos fixes, simpacticos, divertidos, k me fazem rir até desmaiar...
Não gosto de tipos que vão muito ao espelho, procuram ter a abdomen todo certinho...
Adoro ter uma barriga para pegar, gosto de homem que bebe cerveja, whisky...whatever, mas que saiba se controlar. Mas não gosto de homem que fuma!..Vou levando mas não gosto de beijar boca fumada hehehehe!!!
Sou muito simples, e gostaria de me relacionar com pessoas simples, que não tem problema em entrar numa Loja de Nigerianos assim como uma da Nike.
Meu Deus, detesto um homem cheio de chiliques!
3977124 -
Boneca_gueixa -
years old - Single I am from Maputo/Maputo, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
Simples meiga e carinhosa
1290954 -
Goxtoosa -
years old - Single but dating I am from Maputo/Maputo, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
Love and Datings is a website for online dating, friendships, and relationships with 4,709,443 worldwide. Find your perfect match now!
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3827226 -
Prettysuzanne -
years old - Single I am from Johannesburg/Gauteng, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
2904399 -
Sadion -
years old - Single I am from Cape Town/Western Cape, Seeking Dating with Man
3922276 -
Fofunha -
years old - Separated I am from Glenvista/Gauteng, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
Sou intelegente e batalhadora. Estou interessada em encontrar um companheiro que ira valorizar-me como mulher,amando me.
3820360 -
Gisele30 -
years old - Single I am from Pretoria/Gauteng, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
2743874 -
Terryjhonny -
years old - Single but dating I am from Johannesburg/Gauteng, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
4140452 -
mdl8740 -
years old - Single I am from Johannesburg/Gauteng, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
1453660 -
Ilyn322 -
years old - Single I am from Pretoria/Gauteng, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
2333712 -
Pisces_2 -
years old - Divorced I am from Johannesburg/Gauteng, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
3674079 -
Nandi99 -
years old - Widow/Widower I am from Joanesburgo/Gauteng, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man
4034586 -
Anne Estv -
years old - Single I am from Joanesburgo/Gauteng, Seeking Dating Friendship with Man